If you need help reaching your goals, Project Coaching has the solutions

Nutrition is the foundation of all weight loss goals. It also plays a huge part in developing muscle, sports performance and can be the difference between a healthy lifestyle versus an unhealthy one. The world of nutrition can be confusing, with loads of conflicting ideas coming from professionals all the time.

Hiring an evidence based nutrition coach can help guide you through this, cutting through the nonsense, and focusing on what will work for you!

Drop your details below & I will get in touch to arrange a free 15 minute video call!

Nutrition Coaching

Once you sign up, we will arrange a FREE, 15 minute, zero obligation consultation call! After this,  if we decide to work together, we will start working on a plan using evidence based nutrition strategies which work for you and will help you achieve your goals.

What is a Nutrition Coach?

A nutrition coach is a professional who helps individuals make changes to their diet and lifestyle in order to reach their desired goals and improve their overall health and well-being. Nutrition coaches may work with people who want to lose weight, gain weight, manage a medical condition, or simply improve their overall nutrition. They may provide education and guidance on topics such as meal planning, portion sizes, and the importance of a balanced diet. Nutrition coaches may also work with clients to develop personalised nutrition plans and help them set and achieve their nutrition goals.

Why should I not just work with a PT?


While a personal trainer (PT) can be a helpful resource for improving physical fitness, they may not necessarily be the best choice for addressing nutritional concerns or making changes to your diet. A nutrition coach, on the other hand, is specifically trained to help individuals make changes to their diet and eating habits in order to improve their overall health and well-being.
Nutrition coaching can be particularly effective for weight loss, as diet plays a significant role in weight management. A nutrition coach can help individuals make changes to their diet and eating habits

How does it work?


If you're looking to make lasting changes to your diet and lifestyle, our 12 week nutrition coaching package is the perfect solution. This comprehensive program provides you with all of the tools, resources, and support you need to reach your goals.

Each week, we'll start with a video call check-in where we'll review your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your plan. You'll also receive an email with practical guidance and resources to help you stay on track. Plus, you'll have ongoing access to me as your nutrition coach, so you can reach out with any questions or challenges that come up throughout the week.

This package is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your unique needs and lifestyle, so you can make progress at your own pace. Whether you're looking to lose weight or improve your overall health, this program is here to help you succeed.

Don't let another day go by without taking control of your health. If you're ready to make lasting changes, this package is the perfect fit for you.

How much does it cost?

You pay by either 4, 8 or 12 week blocks. Most clients pay for a minimum of 8 weeks as this is enough time to make noticeable changes, plus you get a discount over paying for two 4 week blocks. Pricing is as follows:

  • 4 week block - £120
  • 8 week block - £220
  • 12 week block - £300

The price includes an initial deep dive into your nutrition through a questionnaire form that you fill out and an extended call where we have a chat about the topics in the form and what we can do. You'll then receive a bespoke nutrition plan with goals which are chosen specially to suit your lifestyle. You'll also be given tools and resources as and when necessary, depending on your situation.

Then each week for the duration of the block, you'll fill out a form which updates me on your progress. This is followed by a 20-30 minute chat where we can dive a little deeper and address any issues. You'll then receive an email with ideas to try, strategies, and updated goals depending on your situation. This process will repeat for the duration of the block. Remember that every part of this process is specific to you. There will be no one size fits all approach. The entire plan is built around you.

I'm Kyle.

I am a fully qualified and insured nutrition coach. I am also a Jog Scotland leader in running fitness, registered with British Athletics. I started Project Coaching so I could help people make improvements to their health and well-being, using evidence based practice. From my own experience of health and nutrition, I am fully aware that there is a lot of bad information out there. Unfortunately, the people who preach this nonsense often have the loudest voices and the biggest platforms. By working with people on an individual basis, I can help them get to where they want in life, without sacrificing their health in order to do so.

Give me a follow on Instagram and say hi if you want to know more!